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To ensure that we meet your needs at all times, we fulfill the latest requirements and have the necessary certificates to show for it.

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

We have been certified continuously to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 since 2005.
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TISAX logo


Since 2021 we have the highest possible security certification.
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Our contribution to climate protection

PROTEMA has been committed to climate protection since 2019.
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Certified to DIN EN ISO

PROTEMA and our subsidiary LOPREX GmbH have been certified to DIN EN ISO since March 2005.

Annual monitoring audits and successful re-certification are testament to the quality of our work. This assures you, the customer, that the quality of the consulting that you receive is the result of optimized and continuously improved processes and gives you a guarantee that we employ these systematically.

Certificate DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 PROTEMA

Certificate DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 LOPREX

Preliminary TISAX certified

We attach the highest importance to the data security of our customers. Since 2021, the PROTEMA Group has been TISAX certified and thus meets a quality standard for the secure exchange of sensitive data.

As part of our consulting services, we guarantee our customers a high level of information security, confidentiality and data protection. With the TISAX certification we set an important milestone in the field of information security. The auditors confirm PROTEMA the assessment level 3 ("Very high protection requirement"). It represents the highest protection goal of this security certification.

Our contribution to climate protection

Protecting the climate plays an important role for PROTEMA. We attach great importance to keeping the environmental footprint that we leave behind through our business activities as small as possible and minimizing the release of climate-damaging CO2 emissions. PROTEMA is actively taking steps to improve its carbon footprint: For example, PROTEMA purchases climate-friendly electricity from renewable energies and we use public transport whenever possible for business trips within the scope of our mandates. In order to avoid burdens on our climate as far as possible, we offset the remaining CO2 emissions that arise, for example, from heating buildings, the consumption of paper and other resources or our employees' commutes with a positive climate benefit. How? By supporting high-quality international climate protection projects through the purchase of CO2 certificates. To this end, PROTEMA works with the independent climate protection service provider First Climate.


Climate protection with CO2 certificates

By supporting certified climate protection projects elsewhere in the world, companies can offset unavoidable residual emissions that arise at one location with an equivalent climate benefit through emission savings or the storage of CO2. The climate protection contribution is based on the financing of project-based climate protection measures through the purchase of CO2 certificates. As a transitional solution until new low-CO2 technologies or energy sources are developed, the promotion of climate protection projects is an important instrument for corporate climate protection, especially in areas where a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions cannot be achieved in the short term by other means.

Learn more about CO2 certificates

Certificate First Climate PROTEMA

Certificate First Climate LOPREX

Which projects does PROTEMA support with the climate certificates?

We support three certified climate protection projects in Mauritania, Chile and Ghana. By supporting the three projects, we save exactly the amount of CO2 that corresponds to the remaining emissions from our business activities. All projects are certified according to the Verified Carbon Standard or the Gold Standard and therefore meet demanding and internationally recognized standards. The emission savings achieved by the projects are regularly checked and confirmed by independent experts. In addition to the avoided CO2 emissions, the projects bring other very concrete benefits to the local people and the environment - for example, they create jobs and help protect valuable ecosystems.

Clean solar power generation 50MW solar project in Mauritania

The Toujounine photovoltaic power plant helped Mauritania achieve its 20% renewable energy target in 2020 by supplying 10% of the country's total electricity production in 2019. With 156,000 solar panels and a total installed capacity of 50 MW, the project is the largest photovoltaic plant in the country. The plant generates around 87 GWh, which is enough to sustainably cover the electricity needs of 362,500 people.

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Efficient cooking stoves improve living conditions in Ghana

The marketing of efficient stoves extends to almost all regions of Ghana. The two largest cities, Accra and Kumasi, are responsible for almost 60% of the country's charcoal consumption. A total of 240,000 more efficient stoves will be sold over a period of nine years. Compared to conventional charcoal stoves, these models save 35-50% fuel. This means that a family can reduce its annual charcoal consumption by 300 kilograms.

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Biomass plant generates clean electricity in Chile

The subject of this project is a fuel switch in a salmon processing plant in the city of Puerto Montt. Before the project began, the plant used more than 7,500 tons of coal per year to generate steam. Due to the considerable investment costs involved in switching from coal to biomass, the conversion would not have been financially feasible without the revenue from the sale of emission reduction certificates.

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The PROTEMA approach:
Consulting out of one hand

PROTEMA Consulting
PROTEMA Transformation
PROTEMA Engineering
PROTEMA Operations
PROTEMA Service Offer