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[Translate to Englisch:] Globale Netzwerkverbindungen

Planning and Realization of Storage and Picking Systems

Analyse, Planung und Umsetzung zukunftsfähiger Produktions- und Logistikstandorte
und -netzwerke

The sustainable design of competitive and flexible production and logistics networks is essential for a strong positioning of your company in the national and international environment.

Taking into account your strategic framework conditions, we develop holistic solutions for the design and alignment of your production and logistics networks. The goal is a versatile and total-cost-optimized concept that is tailored to your market and customer requirements.

Based on an analysis of your current production and logistics network, we derive future potential. What are suitable production and logistics locations? Link to site selection What is to be produced where and in what vertical range of manufacture? What are the requirements for delivery service? What are the effects on your production and logistics costs? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered in order to develop a sustainable solution concept together with you.

We not only assist you in taking a closer look at your production and logistics networks, but also accompany you intensively from strategic concept development to operational implementation, all the way to optimal integration into site, factory and production planning.

Michal Říha


Michal Říha

Telefon: +49 (711) 900 15 70 

Mobil: +49 (172) 23 53 402

E-Mail: kontakt@protema.de

We advise you in the following areas

[Translate to Englisch:] Verbundene Standorte innerhalb Europas

Design of Production Networks

[Translate to Englisch:] Weltkugel mit Transportkonzept

Design of production and logistics networks

Green Logistics and Emissions in Logistics Networks

These topics might also be interesting for you:

Site Development, Plant and Logistics Structure [more]

Plant Design, Production and Logistics [more]

Optimization of Production and Logistics Processes [more]

The PROTEMA approach:
Consulting out of one hand

PROTEMA Consulting
PROTEMA Transformation
PROTEMA Engineering
PROTEMA Operations
PROTEMA Service Offer