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Focus Topics

An excellent consultancy is characterised by its ability to recognize future challenges and develop suitable solutions at an early stage. In our focus topics, we pick up on current topics and trends that concern our customers and keep us on the move. Topics that shape the future of your company. Topics that mark significant changes for your company and  – if implemented correctly  – will noticeably improve the performance of your company.

We are both captain and helmsman. Regardless of your industry and company size, we not only show you the best way, we also use our experience to navigate you safely through topics unknown to you  – even in stormy times. This enables us to offer you improved products, networked services, a more effective value chain or completely new business models for stability, further growth and new forms of organization and cooperation.


Our Services at a Glance

Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Costs

We would be happy to help you to increase your efficiency and reduce your costs, focusing on the following issues:

  • Initiatives for Performance Improvement and Cost Reduction
  • Company-wide Optimization Programs and Restructuring
  • Accompaniment of company-wide Reorganisation Programme
Crisis Management and Risk Assessment

We identify and assess risks and develop measures to ensure the performance and future viability of your company even in times of crisis, focusing on the following topics:

  • Crisis Management and Risk Assessment
  • Human Resources Management, Working time and Remuneration models
  • Securing Supply, Supply chain management
  • Supplier Management Early Response
  • Impact on Budgeting, Effects in Business Plan
  • Strategy and Positioning Review with Robustness Check
Agile Organization

We accompany you on your way to a (more) agile organization and support you in exploiting your potential even more. We advise you on the following topics:

  • Agile Quick Check
  • Concept for agile Transformation and Training
  • Accompaniment of Teams as Scrum Master
  • Accompaniment of the Transformation as Agile Coach
Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0

Do you need assistance with Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0. We are ready to offer our expertise in the following areas:

  • Potential Analysis and Strategic Planning
  • Business Model Development and Process Design
  • Technological Implementation Support
  • Work Organization and Personnel Management in the Industry 4.0 Environment
  • Business Game – Industry 4.0 out of the Suitcase
Business Model Innovation

We work with you to develop forward-looking business model innovations and thus provide decisive impetus for a successful future.

Strategic Sourcing

Strategic Sourcing with MeRLIN - simplify your sourcing and create sustainable value for the business across sourcing.

Sustainability Strategy and Concepts

We accompany you from the analysis of the current state of your organization to the successful implementation of tailor-made sustainability concepts and solutions.

Logistics concepts for network operators

Our logistics concepts for network operators help you to exploit potential for optimizing land use and order processing, and to achieve your performance targets through holistic logistics improvement. 

The PROTEMA approach:
Consulting out of one hand

PROTEMA Consulting
PROTEMA Transformation
PROTEMA Engineering
PROTEMA Operations
PROTEMA Service Offer