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Business Planning and
Risk Management

Creating sophisticated business plans and systematically identifying risks

Business plans are typically used when companies are first established. However, they are also worth employing in the event of changes in strategic direction or modifications to corporate structures, such as when companies are sold, acquired or merged. Business plans are also increasingly finding acceptance in the introduction of new products and expansions into new markets. Business planning considers all operational and financial aspects associated with procurement, production, and sales. Employing systematic risk management enables relevant risks to be identified, evaluated and ultimately minimized.

In addition to their use as instruments for internal planning, business plans are often requested by external investors or funding institutions. Suppliers are likewise finding more and more often that they need to submit special business plans during the tender phase; this is known as open-book costing.

Consequently, business plans are becoming increasingly important as tools for systematic evaluation and planning.

We will help you to develop a business plan that suits your project, irrespective of whether you are planning internal changes or targeting external partners. We will also work with you to devise a customized approach to risk management that builds on your strategic direction to incorporate locations, markets, products and the configuration of your business processes.

We are happy to use our experience to formulate your goals and strategies in a business plan or to establish a systematic risk management process.

Jörg Pirron


Dr. Jörg Pirron

Telefon: +49 (711) 900 15 70
Mobil: +49 (173) 66 88 668
E-Mail: kontakt@protema.de

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